====== Building ======
The dll (from C sources) and jar-file (from java sources) must be built separately. Checkout from [[https://gitlab.ost.ch/tech/inf/public/libusb-java]]. More detailed information for the maintainers can be reached under [[https://wiki.bu.ost.ch/inf/libusbjava/start]] (for internal usage only).
===== C++ Code =====
Source code is under /LibusbJava_C.
==== Windows ====
* install MinGW or similar
* use cmake to build the project
==== Linux ====
* g++ -shared -o libLibusbJava-"VERSION".so -fPIC LibusbJava.cpp -I"/usr/lib/jvm/java-"JAVA-VERSION"-openjdk-"ARCHITECTURE"/include" -I"/usr/lib/jvm/java-"JAVA-VERSION"-openjdk-"ARCHITECTURE"/include/linux" -I"./" -std=c++0x
* Copy so-file to /usr/lib
===== Java Part =====
Source code is under /LibusbJava_Java.
* Create jar file from LibusbJava_Java
* If changes were made in //Libusb.java// -> remake header file for LibusbJava_C with
$javah ch.ntb.inf.libusb.Libusb
Copy new header file to LibusbJava_C.